The product adopts a technical architecture of commonapi + vsomeip to achieve the deployment of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). commonapi is used to generate model code, while vsomeip implements the SOME/IP protocol stack.
· By utilizing interface description files and low-code tools, template code is generated for common parts, including message serialization and deserialization. This allows developers to focus on using and implementing the interfaces provided by the template code, rather than worrying about the protocol stack. As a result, communication between two ECUs becomes as simple as local function calls, reducing development complexity, improving development efficiency, and enhancing the stability of communication links.
· The message serialization and deserialization conform to the AUTOSAR specifications, enabling communication with ECUs that have deployed the AUTOSAR OS.
· The C/S (Client/Server) architecture implements the DoIP (Diagnostic Communication over Internet Protocol) protocol stack while simultaneously monitoring external diagnostic devices, multiple entity nodes, and edge gateway routing.
· The server-side TCP Server listens for connections from external test equipment.
· Linux local sockets are utilized to implement DoIP entity nodes and subnet node devices with multiple clients, where each client represents an ECU (Electronic Control Unit) device.
· With a transmission rate 100 to 200 times faster than CAN, significant time savings are achieved in complex diagnostic scenarios.
· Leveraging IT infrastructure eliminates the need for hardware VCIs (Vehicle Communication Interfaces), resulting in cost savings on hardware.
· Vehicle diagnostics can be performed remotely through in-vehicle Ethernet, enabling remote operations.
· Layered Design Concept
· The OTA terminal and cloud communication, as well as OTA upgrade management, are designed using a hierarchical approach.
· Quick and Easy Integration with Different OTA Cloud Platforms
· Rapid Portability to Different Terminal Platforms, Such as Gateways and T-Boxes